
This is the web page for the Lorain County Remix of the logic textbook For All X.. The original textbook was created by P.D. Magnus. This version also has material from Cathal Woods’ An Introduction to Reasoning. I created this expanded version to move more slowly and be more accessible to freshman-level students.

The current version of the LC Remix is actually a part of a larger project called An Open Introduction to Logic which will be a complete replacement for texts like Hurley’s A Concise Introduction to Logic. The Open Introduction will incorporate all of For All X and all of An Introduction to Reasoning, along with extensive original material. You will be able to create customizable versions of An Open Introduction to Logic, just as you can with Hurley’s text. And unlike Hurley’s books, these customized versions will be free.

The most recent additions to For All X are two chapters on categorical logic. For a comparison of the chapters on categorical logic with the treatment other popular textbooks see the Overview of the Categorical Chapters, in the About the Text menu.

This page is meant to provide full support for people using my version of the textbook and to promote open access logic textbooks in general. It basically includes all of the materials I use for my logic course, including class audio and (eventually) video. I’d like to see it function as a personal opencourseware page.

From the menu bar above you can get to a preview of the textbook, my course materials, and other useful resources. Or you can just download the text below. All content is free under a Creative Commons license.

Download the full text as .pdf file

LaTeX Source files.

The source files are stored on Github. Click “Clone or Download” then “Download ZIP” to get the files.

Creative Commons License
An Open Introduction to Logic by P.D. Magnus, Cathal Woods, J. Robert Loftis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://www.fecundity.com/logic/.

Header image by Alejandra Noriya

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://sites.google.com/site/anintroductiontoreasoning/.

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